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10 Essential Office Supplies No Business Should Be Without

by Yellow

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Along with big ticket items such as desks, phones, chairs and computers, the modern office needs a range of essentials to be productive. Some are obvious, others not quite so obvious. If you're setting up an office for the first time or creating a home office, don't forget these 10 essential office supplies that no business should be without.

Printer, ink and paper

While a paperless office is definitely the way to go, it isn't always practical or possible.
Therefore, any office needs a printer, ink and paper for when there is no choice but to generate documents.

Desk tidies

Whether you get one for desk drawers or to sit on top, a desk tidy allows you to start as you mean to go on. Tidy desks help you stay organised and manage your workflow better.

Break room supplies

Depending on the size of the office, a break room with a kettle, refrigerator, cups, utensils, tea bags, coffee, milk and water are all definitely essential office supplies no business should be without.

Filing cabinet or storage

If digitising all your paperwork isn't an option, you're going to need somewhere to securely store all your documents. Organised storage such as a filing cabinet offers the most practical solution. If you don't have space, a shelf with box folders will help.


A range of stationery is definitely on the list of office supplies no business should be without. Pens, paper, post-it notes, markers, notepads and diaries are just some essentials that can make life easier for staff.

Business cards

Professionally designed and printed business cards are still an office staple and always will be. The humble piece of card is still a primary business marketing tool even in the digital age.

Mail supplies

Have a ready supply of envelopes, stamps, compliments slips and maybe a franking machine if you send enough in the post. Some businesses still prefer to receive letters or written confirmation. You need to be prepared for that.

Desk accessories

Desk accessories include spare keyboards and mice, mouse mats, wrist rests, footrests, screen wipes and all those little things that help maintain productivity and keep staff comfortable.


An often overlooked but essential office supply item is a bin. One by the desk and one somewhere else for recycling. It's a small thing that makes a big difference in any office.


While no office should encourage clock watching, you don't want to miss meetings or conference calls. Having a wall clock makes it easy to stay in sync with other offices, manage your time effectively and meet deadlines. Just don't look at it too often!

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