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Reviews Policy
What is the Review Section? reviews are intended as a means for sharing experiences between customers & suppliers with the community. It is intended to assist the customer in making an informed decision when choosing a supplier and help the supplier understand how their service is rated. Therefore reviews, be they positive or negative, will always be considered for inclusion in the reviews section subject to our Review Policy as well as other policies outlined in our General Terms of Use and any and all other policies, disclaimers, terms and conditions and notices published and as may be amended from time to time on our website.
1. Publishing of Reviews: moderates the reviews that are posted on its website and as such may re-send for correction, censor or not allow reviews to be posted on its website at its sole and absolute discretion.
2. Reviews can be published:
a. If they are not against some form of payment or other form of compensation, whether monetary or otherwise, from the business or one of its competitors;
b. If the writer is not employed with, a shareholder of or otherwise have any direct or indirect relation to/with the owners or shareholders of the business and/or its competitors;
c. If they are factually correct and about a direct experience with the business;
d. If they do not violate any laws that may be applicable from time to time, including but not limited to laws relating to libel, harassment, discrimination, vilification, sedition, blasphemy, bullying or contempt or data protection;
e. If they are not abusive, offensive, indecent, pornographic, obscene or otherwise considered undesirable or in poor taste by Yellow Pages (Malta) Ltd;
f. If they are not advocating or discussing illegal activities with the intent to commit or solicit others into committing them;
g. If they are not false, deceptive, inaccurate, incorrect or unreliable, whether intentionally or unintentionally;
h. If they do not infringe on any copyright or other intellectual property rights pertaining to Yellow Pages (Malta) Ltd or to any third party;
i. As long as they are not off topic, inappropriate, vexatious or repetitive;
3) Business Owners may not do any of the following which could damage their online reputation or be interpreted as misleading consumers:
a. Review or pay or otherwise offer any form of compensation, whether monetary or otherwise, for reviews of their own business or that of their competitors.
b. Try to have negative reviews removed leaving only positive reviews.
c. Violate any laws that may be applicable from time to time, including but not limited to libel, harassment, discrimination, vilification, sedition, blasphemy, bullying or contempt or data protection.
d. Compromise the privacy or data protection of any data subject.
Yellow Pages (Malta) Ltd makes no warranty, representation or guarantee of any kind regarding the content of any review including but not limited to its veracity, accuracy or authenticity and assumes no liability whatsoever for any errors, omissions, misrepresentations and/or inaccuracies contained in any review published on the website. The Business Owners hereby exonerate and hold Yellow Pages (Malta) Ltd harmless for any liability arising from any and all third-party claims regarding any actual or potential damage suffered or incurred as a result of the information and/or content contained in any review published on the website.
In the interest of transparency, Yellow Pages (Malta) Ltd will not publish any reviews posted on an anonymous basis. As a result, all users, whether they are consumers or Business Owners, will be required to disclose their personal contact details prior to posting any reviews/comments on our website. All users recognise that any such personal contact details may and will be released to the competent authorities should Yellow Pages (Malta) Ltd be compelled so to do according to Law or legal order.
Review (Content) guidelines
Yellow Pages (Malta) Ltd believes in accountability and responsibility and endeavours to provide a trustworthy and honest service in seeking to connect consumers with businesses. One of the core elements upon which this trust is built is honest reviews and we must ensure that consumers can trust the reviews that are posted on our website. This is attained through tried and tested processes and streamlined policies as outlined on this website. We trust consumers and business owners will share our values and follow our principles.
In order to post a review, you must be registered with our website. Registration requires that you are sixteen (16) years or older. You must answer the ratings question about the business you intend to review and also write a review about your own personal experience.
Reviews should be no less than fifty (50) characters long and will be limited to one thousand five hundred (1,500) characters. They should be about your direct experience with the business; so, for example, if you made an enquiry with a business but did not subsequently carry out any transactions, then your review should be limited to that enquiry. Likewise, if you have decided to write about a bad experience try to explain it in your review. All businesses will accept negative feedback as long as it is constructive criticism because this is useful to them to improve their offering. Any review you write must relate to recent experiences that would have taken place in the previous twelve (12) months.
Business owners will be informed of your review and if they wish, they will be able to respond to it.
All reviews will be moderated; therefore, they will be submitted to our content moderating team prior to being published. We will make every endeavour to do this as speedily as possible but this may take up to seventy-two (72) hours. In order to speed up this process, it would be advisable to stick to the facts of the case, refrain from quoting hearsay and ensure that the review is in line with our Review Policy.
Moderation means that the review may be accepted as is, modified to correct syntax or typing mistakes without affecting the intended opinion of the reviewer or not accepted, all this at the sole discretion of the moderation team. The moderation team may also, at their own discretion, contact you to confirm the veracity or otherwise of your review. Therefore, it is important to remember that you should be able to provide proof of purchase of the product or service, for example.
Always remember that as the reviewer you retain responsibility for what you write. The review will be available for the general public to read so before submitting we suggest that you check what you have written to ensure that it is comprehensible, that it reflects the truth and that it is in line with our Review Policy.
Last Updated: 22.05.18