Keeping your finances up to date is very important, whether you're an employee, self-employed or running a company. With more than 30 years of experience, Mr Micallef Attard can assist you with professional advice and with keeping all your accounting records in place.
Mr Micallef Attard practices also as an auditor, holding a practising certificate to carry out this role. If you require a one-stop-shop service to keep your business accounts always on top, Mr Micallef Attard provides you with auditing, accounting, taxation, bookkeeping, VAT assistance, cash flow planning and other related services. These include secretarial services and consultancy about start-ups.
As a certified public accountant and member of the Malta Institute of Accountants, Mr Micallef Attard has assisted clients from various small and medium-sized businesses. Thus, as a professional in the finance field and through his extensive knowledge, Mr Micallef Attard is committed to offering practical advice and solutions to NGOs, Read More
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