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Saltwater vs Chlorine: The ultimate swimming pool showdown

by Gozo Pools Ltd

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Saltwater Pool


Continuous slow chlorination

It is a common myth that saltwater pools do not have any chlorine in them. In fact, when using a saltwater pool, you need to have a slow chlorination system that is produced at a steady level. This is usually done in the form of tablets or chlorine sticks. 

Kinder on your skin 

Saltwater is less abrasive on one's skin, making it a better option for people with sensitive skin or who's pool will be used by small children. This is also great for anyone who suffers from allergies or is looking to have smoother skin. Another advantage is that saltwater will not fade your swimsuit thanks to its low concentration of chlorine. 


More expensive to install

Saltwater pools need generators, pool salts, a specialised system and a choice of day-to-day chemicals. This means that you can easily get high costs in terms of installations. Another disadvantage is that you also need to spend more money on chemicals to maintain your pool. 

Uses more electricity 

Since you will be needing a generator, your home will use up more electricity, increasing the cost of pool maintenance dramatically. You will also need to take into consideration water pump uses and cleaning machinery. 

Salt may damage pool features 

Salt can be abrasive for a number of features in your pool such as mosaic, stone, glass or paint. Designs might fade away over time and your pool will need to be resurfaced more frequently.

Chlorine Water 


Chlorine pools are both cheaper and easier to install and maintain

The initial investment for chlorine pools is way less costly than that of saltwater pools. Moreover, they use less electricity and require less long-term spending money to maintain. This makes chlorinated pools less expensive to maintain as they also only need a pump and cleaning equipment. 

Does not damage pool features

Chlorine is gentle on most materials such as pool paint, mosaic and cement. This means that you will not need to carry out costly repairs and maintenance. Moreover, you can opt for DIY when it comes to repairs and maintenance of pool features. 

Uses less electricity 

The fact that your chlorine pool only needs a pump, means that it will be gentler on your electricity bills as well. 


You need to chlorinate regularly

You need to chlorinate your pool regularly. This also means that you will need to check your pool's pH levels regularly, as they need to be kept at a stable level of 7. This means that you have to carry out certain tests and even use flocculants regularly. This also means that your filters need to be back washed regularly.

Harsh on the skin 

Chlorine is harsher on the skin, eyes and hair when compared to saltwater. This means that you will need to also invest in a range of products that will effectively remove4 chlorine from your skin. 

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