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The ultimate survival guide for busy working parents

by Mr. Yellow

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Life for busy working parents can feel like an endless cycle of unchanging routines and constant running around. But there are several ways to get around hectic schedules and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Here is the ultimate survival guide for any working parent, who sometimes may feel like they are failing as parents and as employees.


Don't multi-task

You don't need to be a professional juggler to get things done. Dedicate specific blocks of time in your day to work on the things you keep pushing, and focus on one task at a time.

To help you with this, silence your inner perfectionist and delegate work to others. There's no shame in asking for help when you're drowning.

Bonus tip: Prevent overlaps by noting both your personal and work-related to-dos in the same calendar.


Prepare ahead


It's surprising how much of a time-saver preparing from the night before can be. Use this time to plan the next day's breakfast, prepare your kids' clothes, backpacks and school lunches.


You can even apply this technique to family dinners. Save yourself from having to prepare home cooked meals every day, and instead pre-cook or freeze meals on Sunday that can be heated up throughout the week.


Maintain a flexible work schedule


Set realistic expectations. Speak to your manager and agree on a schedule you can actually commit to, and that would benefit both your company and your own well-being.


It's difficult to achieve this without a supportive working environment and an understanding boss. So seek out HR mechanisms at your workplace, and don't hesitate to lean on them.


Work more from home

One way to make your work schedule more manageable is to work certain hours from home. Apart from leaving you with more time to catch up with housework or to hang out with your kids after school, it might also discourage you from checking your phone or e-mail during free family time.

Bonus tip: How about working on the weekends for more free time during the week? You can either do this from home, or try it from the office and take your children along. You'll probably have the whole building to yourself, and in the meantime your munchkins can play and run around without disturbing anyone.


Confide in your family

Family meetings are often underrated. Sit your family down once a week or once a month for a relaxed brainstorming session on how everyone can contribute to making the whole family's life easier.


By giving every family member, including your children, time to speak and share their ideas, communication in your household will improve and you'd be able to solve any family problems that crop up in a more positive manner.

Bonus tip: Everyone needs some time out once in a while. Allow yourself alone time to unwind, and spend time with your partner and friends.


Stop trying to be perfect

It's natural to fall into the trap of comparing your own situation to others, who always seem to have it easier. But in reality, no busy family is living the perfect life.

The most important thing for you to realise as a working parent is that you have the power to create the best possible environment for yourself and your children, by nurturing them and always being there for them. No matter how busy your professional life gets, always remember to put your home life first.



Get some help with the kids while you work by employing a babysitter or contacting one of these Childcare Centres listed on Yellow.

Prioritise your family and prioritise discovering local - visit www.yellow.com.mt!


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