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How To Spend Time With Your Family This Festive Season

by Yellow

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Family celebrating Christmas

During this time of festivity, it is important for families to dedicate time to each other. If the concept of quality time is alien to you, here are 6 family activities you and your loved ones can do together during the festive season.
1. Give back

Christmas isn't solely the time to receive presents but also to give back. Help the less fortunate of society this festive season by heading out to help a charity. Help out at the food bank or spend some of your time volunteering at an animal shelter. You and your family will be feeling so accomplished by the end of it, you won't be able to wipe the smiles off your faces.

2. Game night

Time to pull out all of your dusty board games and bring out the snacks to the table. It's time to embrace the competitive nature you share with your family and set off for a night of gaming and rivalry. Team up, parents vs kids and battle it to the end of the night. Careful not to go too far though. It's Christmas after all.

3. Cooking

Whether you are cooking Christmas lunch or baking cookies, invite the whole family to join in. Have fun decorating your fresh bakeries and indulging in the fruits of your labour. This activity will teach you how to trust one another, collaborate together and might also lead to a fun food fight.

4. Share stories

Christmas is the perfect time to sit with one another and share stories from the past. What's your favourite Christmas memory? How did you celebrate Christmas when you were kids? These moments are especially special when the grandparents are over for a visit. The stories will vary with each passing year and the memories will grow fonder.

5. Movies

There's nothing better than a good Christmas movie when you're looking for a good laugh and quality time with your family. Put on a light-hearted movie for the whole family to enjoy, grab snacks and hot beverages, and laugh the night away.

6. Caroling

Santa Claus is coming to town and he wants to hear your voice! Head on out to sing carols for the less fortunate at retirement homes or at hospitals or leave your singing for the car rides if you're less gifted. Whatever you do, don't forget, it isn't Christmas without the caroling. So don't hold back. Sing!

Let us know which Christmas tradition you and your family embark on annually in the comments below!

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