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What you need to know about solar panel batteries

by Schembri Batteries Ltd

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What is a solar panel battery?

A solar panel battery is a battery that is charged from energy taken from your installed solar panels. You can choose from many types of batteries, depending on your needs. You can find smaller ones, even portable ones or bigger systems as well. These solar batteries store energy that is produced by the solar system that you have and it will remain stored there for you to use later.

Pairing solar panels with a battery

A solar panel and a battery can both work without each other, but in reality it is wiser to have them both. A battery without a solar panel to power it will only be good for that one charge. However, if you attach it to a solar panel, the battery will still keep on charging during the daylight even if the power is out. Having a system that utilizes both of these features will be of an advantage to your savings because without the solar panels your battery will pull energy straight from the grid.

Installation of these systems

There is not much complication and work behind the installation of both of these systems. Other than the brackets, pipes, wires and small screws needed, your work is done. One of the main things that you have to think about though when you are installing this kind of system, is the installation of an inverter as well. The inverter is fundamental when it comes to allowing you to make use of the energy that is stored in your battery from the solar panel.

Is a solar panel battery worth the money?

  • A solar panel battery not only provides you with energy that is solely provided from the sun, which in itself will decrease your energy cost, but it will also provide you with extra hours of light when there is a power outage. That in itself is already a point in favour of this system. In this day and age we operate on electronics a lot and it can be quite cumbersome when there is a power outage and you cannot do anything you like or need to do. Especially when you are working from home, time is money, so the fact that you can keep on working, it is already saving you money.
  • Another reason why this system is worth it is because in a few months you will break even after purchasing it and in no time at all you will start saving money. Every month you will no longer have to pay a chunk of money towards water and electricity as most of it will be coming from the sun. In Malta we are blessed with many days of sunlight and thus this system, on our island, is extremely worth buying. In fact, this system can be one of the best investments you can make at this point.

Whether you are looking to install this system in your home or place of business, you will soon realise that you have paid good money for a system that you have to pay for once. By doing so though, you are able to not pay a chunk of money every month for energy usage that has to be paid for all the years to come. You can work the math, think of how much money you can save!

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