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The benefits of having flowers and plants in the house

by Flower Zone

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Every home represents its owners and their style and every homeowner is sure to want a home which provides a space where they can relax and recharge their energy. When you are finishing your home you see to it that you accessorize with items that will be pleasing to the eye and one thing that will surely be pleasing and not just to the eye, is the addition of plants.

When you think about accessorizing with plants you might think that the purpose is only aesthetic but there are also other benefits that can come with having a few around the house.

It is well known that plants make people happy. It has been proven that even just the sight and beauty that plants, flowering or otherwise, have can fill a person with happiness  and serenity. Yet there are other more tangible benefits of having plants in your home or even at the workplace with regards to health. These benefits have become so well known that people are opting to have plants at work as well, with the aim of making the environment more pleasing and therefore the work easier and more productive.

In this day and age when we have so many cars in the streets and so much pollution in the air, the very air that we breathe can become quite toxic. Pollution can affect your hair, lungs, skin, immune system, as well as your general wellbeing. This can cause various ailments including allergies, headaches, dizziness and a higher susceptibility to various viruses and bacteria and therefore more sick days and unhealthy living overall. Surrounding ourselves with plants will counteract this as they absorb the bad air and provide you with fresher air to breathe. The effect of having plants around is felt immediately with a better sense of wellbeing overall.

Everyone enjoys a walk in the park where there are flowers and trees everywhere.  Nowadays doctors have even been prescribing walks in the countryside to aid in the recovery of various illnesses as it has been seen time and again that contact with nature helps ease both the symptoms and the duration of the sickness. It is therefore not surprising that, when you have plants in the house or at work you will notice that your mood will be a lot better, you will suffer less from the common cold and sore throats and you will also feel more energetic and notice less fatigue during the day.

Plants can add life to any sterile room.  Depending on the plants you choose to have around they can also provide you with a form of privacy and reduce noise levels so that again you can work more efficiently and you are able to actually enjoy your work day.

There are some plants which are renowned for their higher purifying properties and these are frequently chosen for both home and workplaces. Plants such as:

  • Barberton Daisy - this type of plant can inject a little bit of colour in your home and also  clear the air from various toxins.
  • Snake Plant - This beautiful plant with yellow tipped leaves will provide you with better air for when you are sleeping.
  • Chrysanthemum - These beautiful blooms can brighten every room and help remove toxins that are mostly found in detergents, plastic and glue.
  • Spider Plant - These are perfect for those who are relatively new to the plant world as they are relatively low maintenance and resistant to disease. It is also good to know that this plant is non-toxic to animals and therefore will not present a problem for household pets.
  • Dragon Tree - This plant can grow up to 8 feet and like the others it can remove a list of toxins from any room. Its beautiful red tips will also provide a spark of colour, adding interest to an otherwise plain area.
  • Aloe Vera - Known as the healing plant, this is one the most well known plants to have in your home. It has a myriad of healing properties attributed to it including soothing any type of skin irritations like itchiness, skin abrasions, urticaria and mild burns. Just like the others it will also help to purify your air.

There are many other plants that can provide you with what you need whether you are decorating your home or your office. It is important to find a good florist that knows his business and will provide you with enough information so that you can then make a well informed decision.

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