Whether you are looking for the latest board game, education toys for young children or even a wide selection of action figures, dolls and balls, visit us at Zaky's in Naxxar today. At our store, you can find a selection of toys and novelty items for kids of all ages.
At our Naxxar-based store, you can find a wide array of children's puzzles, popular card games, children's watches and perfumes, slime and putty, fidget toys, roleplay toys, board games, magic sets, scientific toys, puppets, wooden toys and bath toys.
Moreover, we hold a range of secret diaries, arts and crafts sets, outdoor toys, guns, action figures, remote-controlled cars, construction models, dolls, animal toys, soft toys and dinosaurs.
We also hold a range of musical instruments for kids and a variety of toys for babies and toddlers. In our educational games and toys section, you can get your hands on a Read More
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