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How To Be The Perfect Dinner Party Host

by Yellow

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It's festive season time and that could only mean one thing apart from presents - food! People love keeping their tummies happy during the holidays and most importantly have people over to share their food with. However, we've all had our fair share of fiascos when it came to cooking for others and wouldn't like for there to be a repeat episode. We want to share with you a few handy tips to ensure you how to host a flawless Christmas dinner party.

1. Cook what you know

We'd all like to impress our guests when they come over with a lavish meal, but if you don't know how to pull off a Julia Child recipe, then don't. The more you stick to what you know unless you have ample time to practice till you nail that recipe, the better. That way there is a higher chance that your guests will enjoy your meal and have them begging for seconds!

2.Make plenty

There is nothing worse than sending your guests back home craving to pass by a
drive thru to get some more food! It's never a bad idea to cook more than is needed, worst case is that you'll have leftovers if you could consider it to be something bad. There's nothing better than having food ready for the next day, and if your guests would like more, you won't have an Oliver Twist scene happening.

3.Set the right mood

Feeling a tad anxious? You don't want to emit that onto your guests, making the air a bit tense for no reason. Keep your attire a bit relaxed when greeting them inside, it gives off a more chill vibe. Put on some background music to avoid awkward silences and it immediately makes any person comfortable and ready to have a good time.

4.Keep your menu smart

Don't choose a high-maintenance menu to cook when hosting a dinner party. Menu items which require lots of attention will steer you away from your guests and have you slaving over the stove. Also only have one main attraction dish, instead of making an elaborate menu which might not pan out well. There is nothing wrong with simplicity, so choose to make something easy.


5.Chat with all your guests

It's quite hard work to pull off being a perfect host of a dinner party, and this can often hinder how much fun you will have yourself. Have someone else take over the cooking once in awhile and have a quick chat with your guests, this will help to ease the pressure a little bit.

6.Set the table

Presentation, is always key. When you're hosting a dinner party, the food is only part of the package. Set the table with some nice cutlery, nice napkins, name cards to add personalisation, maybe some candle lights for some ambience and since it's the festive season place a Christmas cracker and see who has the worst joke in their cracker!

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