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Check List Ideas For 2017

by Yellow

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We know you've been thinking of resolutions since December. We also know ‘stop procrastinating' was on some of your lists. So if you DID procrastinate and forget to make a resolutions list, here are 14 items you should put on your checklist.

Travel [ ]

Throw your passport and your essentials in a bag and head out to the airport. Explore new places and get accustomed to different cultures. Travelling will help you grow into an open-minded and mature individual.

Gain gratification at work [ ]

Do something you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. Stop working at an office that makes you go home upset every evening. Apply for a position that will help you achieve your full potential.

Have more time for yourself [ ]

Allow yourself time to relax and destress. Go out and treat yourself to dinner. Stay home and draw yourself a hot bath multiple times a month. You are worth it.

Make time for your loved ones [ ]

Enjoy time with your loved ones. Make time to meet your family every now and then. Those are the memories that last. Not your days at work.

Get healthy [ ]

We realise that at this point, you jot down this resolution by default but this may just be the year you stick to it! Sign up to a gym or reserve half an hour every day for some jogging. Do this for you!


Learn something new [ ]

Every year is the perfect year to learn something new. Apart from the sense of
satisfaction you'll feel by the time you acquire the new skill, there's something exciting and gratifying learning something new. Take a craft course, learn a language, learn a martial art, or perhaps learn the tips and tricks of beauticians... The possibilities are endless.

Reduce stressors in your life [ ]

Eliminate the negative entities in your life. Is there a particular friend you have that can only focus on the things you do wrong? Or a commitment you have that drives you up the wall? No more! Get rid of these unneeded stressors and make time for what makes you happy!

Read more [ ]

Set a goal for yourself. ‘This year I will read a book every month'. We get that some of you are busy but making time to read every now and then will only stimulate your brain and open it to new horizons! Find a bookstore closer to you, and pick the first book you wish to
ready this year. If you are not a book lover, perhaps you might wish to expand your knowledge by reading more articles.

Push your comfort zone [ ]

Staying in your comfort zone won't get you anywhere! If you want to advance anywhere in life, we suggest you get out of your comfort zone and try new things. After all, no good story ever started with ‘I was having a salad.'

Save up [ ]

Reduce your spending on useless items such as junk food and instead save up to treat yourself to a holiday abroad or a weekend stay at a spa resort! The experience will be worth the saving!

Establish a successful routine [ ]

This year is the year you establish a routine which will help you make time for all the important things in your life. If not, you can at least get working on it from now.

Work on confidence [ ]

Most of us feel self-conscious from time to time but working on your confidence can offer a huge boost to your daily life. Your level of confidence will affect the way you walk, talk and live in general. The day you realise you're worth more than you think, will be the day doors open for you.

Go out more [ ]

Stop locking yourself up for more. Take your friends up on their invitation to dinner, go on hikes, go to the beach early in the morning for some yoga and a quick dip. Getting out of the house will help you appreciate life more!


Learn to enjoy time alone [ ]

You don't need anyone to be happy. The day you're happy with yourself is the day people will be happy with you. You are a confident, strong, independent individual who makes for pretty good company! Embrace that.

Overall, whatever your resolutions are, make sure you're happy! Happy new year from the Yellow team!

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