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5 Tips On Job Hunting Like A Pro

by Yellow

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Job hunting is an exciting and challenging experience. You need to know how to sell yourself, and you need to stand out in a highly competitive crowd. These days almost everyone has a university degree. So it's important to go the extra mile and find your X factor. Knowing how to portray yourself is just as important as your skills and experience. Above all, it's essential to be at the right place at the right time. To help you find your next career opportunity, here are 5 tips on job hunting like a pro.

Prepare an eye-catching CV

Your CV should be no longer than one page. Time is scarce, and employers don't enjoy reading pages of information. Everything there is to say about you should be limited to an A4 document. It's always best to include a small description about yourself, your qualifications, skills and contact information. Photos can make or break a CV. So if you're considering including one, make sure you contact one of these 148 Professional Photographers. Job hunting means you need the right weapon, so make sure your CV is striking.

Search far and wide

Look for vacancy ads online, on social media and directly on company websites. Many businesses have such a busy schedule that they don't update their job vacancies that often. For that reason, it's advisable to keep your eyes and ears open. Try networking and asking around. Perhaps your friends or family can recommend an interesting job opportunity. Sites such as
LinkedIn can really help you find top companies looking to recruit top talent. Job hunting involves searching for the right opportunity, even in the most hidden of places.

Be bold and introduce yourself

If you're finding it hard to spot your dream job, try getting in touch directly with the company of your dreams. Due to the high volume of applications some companies receive, sometimes CVs get lost. Be determined and book an appointment with the HR person at the company you're interested in joining. Introduce yourself without being too needy. Keep things friendly and express your interest in employment in a natural way. This way the company will know you're available, and what you can do for them if they ever need someone like you.

Know how to answer "why you?”

Most employers want to know the answer to the question "why you?”. Certainly be prepared to provide a good answer. Focus on what's special about you, what only you can do, and how you feel you can make your interviewer's business a better place. Don't oversell yourself. Instead, provide facts and references, mixed with anecdotes about your strengths and how you've used them to your advantage. Skills and talent can be trained. In contrast, it's a lot harder to find the right personality. Focus on your uniqueness and always be honest about who you are.

Stand out from the job hunting crowd

Look smart and stand out with whatever makes you unique. Whether it's the ability to speak a foreign language or an impressive IT skill, make it work to your advantage. Remember to always stay positive when job hunting. Employers can sense desperation, and the last thing you want is to be remembered for something negative. Therefore, portraying an image of success is essential. To help you look sharp as well, especially if you're applying for a job this summer, here's 5 Tips on cracking the summer dress code at work.

So, are you ready to find your dream job?Get in touch with one of these 40 Employment Agencies and send over your CV today.

Don't forget to prepare both mentally and physically for this exciting new journey.
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