The Federazzjoni Kaccaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti (FKNK) club in Msida is a place where you can meet like-minded individuals who form part of the federation for hunting, trapping and conservation to safeguard traditional socio-cultural activities in Malta.
Our club was first established back in 1973 and has since been embroiled in rich history and advancements which have made us proud of our achievements. At the time, our main aim was to preserve the tradition and passion which we always had for the hunting of migratory wild birds using selective nets in order to keep said birds alive in captivity.
Almost a decade later, we changed our name to The Hunters' Association and later on even added the word conservation to it. Another decade passed, and in 1998 our statute was reconstructed to form part of the Federazzjoni Kaccaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti FKNK, which incorporated an average of 23 different local associations and Read More
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